
VODIČ ZA IZRADU BIZNIS PLANA (na engleskom jeziku)

1. Describe the products you make or sell, or the services you provide:

2. Give details of your business premises:

3. Explain in your own words why you consider that you (and your business partners) have the experience, ability and commitment to make a success of this proposed business.

Attach a C.V. or if you prefer, give details covering:

  • Education and qualifications.
  • Any previous work experience (give details).
  • Training.
  • Any other relevant information.
  • Hobbies and Interests.

N.B. This section should include details of all persons involved in the proposal. (Insert additional sheets as required).

4. a) Include any business training such as:
Book-keeping, Marketing, Sales etc., or any specific skill training which is relevant.
b) Have you identified or been advised of other training which would help your business, e.g. Professional, Technical or Business Training.

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2 replies on “Biznis plan”

Ekonomistkinja says:

thanks, this will be usefull to me.

ance4anka88 says:

biznis plan je deo preduzetnistva
