
An article is a word (or prefix or suffix ) that is used with a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun. ( Član je reč (prefiks ili sufiks) koji se koristi sa imenicom da bi ukazao na vrstu reference koja je nastala od imenice). The articles in the English language are the,a/an and (in certain contexts) some. ( Članovi u engleskom jeziku su the,a/an i ponekad some). Articles are usually characterized as either definite or indefinite. ( Članovi su ili određeni ili neodređeni).
1.1Definite article
A definite article may be something that the speaker has already mentioned, or it may be something uniquely specified. ( Određeni član može biti nešto što je neko već spomenuo ili može biti nešto jedinstveno određeno ). The definite article in English,for both singular and plural nouns is the. ( Određeni član u engleskom jeziku je the ).
We use definite article the ( Koristimo određeni član the ) :
● To mark something familiar, something that we already mentioned. ( Da označimo nešto što nam je poznato,što smo već spomenuli. )
My brother has made a painting. Where is the painting?
● In front of the nouns that are in our environment. ( Ispred imenica koje čine naše okruženje. ) Close the window please.
● In front of superlative, when there is a noun following. ( Ispred superlativa kada iza njih dolazi imenica.) This is the nicest present i have had so far.

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