Proračun kapaciteta bagera PC 3000 br.5
Objavio boob1703 12. februar 2025.
Seminarski radovi, Skripte, Jezici/Književnost, Saobraćaj
Objavio 11. april 2018. Prijavi dokument
Traditionally, the “competition” between different types of transport has the consequence of a traffic system that is segmented – divided and unintegrated. Each of the traffic types tries to capitalize on its own advantages in the categories of costs, services, reliability and security, and often contradicts its exploitation technical features. Often is the case that transport requests correspond to one type of transport (eg mass freight transport by rail) by other means (road transport). Additionally, participants of different types of traffic observe their competition with suspicion and mistrust, precisely because of inadequate cooperation between modes of transport during a single transport hub. The lack of integration between different types has been emphasized through a state policy that often does not allow companies of one type to own a company in other forms of commerce (such as in the United States before the deregulation), or put a certain type of traffic into sub-disciplinary state monopolistic control (in Europe).
during the transport chain concept intermodality or intermodal transport.
Objavio boob1703 12. februar 2025.
Objavio boob1703 12. februar 2025.
Objavio boob1703 12. februar 2025.
Objavio MilicaD12 12. februar 2025.
Objavio Avdas 11. februar 2025.
Objavio zver9 11. februar 2025.
Objavio MilicaD12 12. februar 2025.
Objavio boob1703 12. februar 2025.
Objavio boob1703 12. februar 2025.
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