

ANALYTIC Pronunciation:  [key] —adj. 1. pertaining to or proceeding by analysis (opposed to synthetic). 2. skilled in or habitually using analysis. 3. Logic.(of a proposition) necessarily true because its denial involves a contradiction, as “All husbands are married.” 5. Math. a. (of a function of a complex variable) having a first derivative at all points of a given domain; holomorphic; regular. b. (of a curve) having parametric equations that represent analytic functions. c. (of a proof) using analysis.
SPORT  Pronunciation:  [key] —n. 1. an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc. 2. a particular form of this, esp. in the out of doors. 3. diversion; recreation; pleasant pastime. 4. jest; fun; mirth; pleasantry: What he said in sport was taken seriously. 5. a sportsman.




Analitika i Dijagnostika u SPORTU
AnalitikA- procedure, postupci i metode koje koristimo za dobijanje informacija kojim se kvantifikuje (meri – izmeri) aktuelno stanje nekog činioca u SPORTU – sportske organizacije, sportskog kluba, sportskog trenera, sportske ekipa, sportiste i sistema sportskog treninga

DijagnostikA- procedure, postupci i metode koje koristimo da bi se dobijena analitička informacija o datom aktuelnom stanju nekog činioca u SPORTU – sportske organizacije, sportskog kluba, sportskog trenera, sportske ekipa, sportiste i sistema sportskog treninga kvalifikovala (opisala)

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