

Vibrationthe oscillation where the quantity which oscillate parameter that defines the movement of a mechanical system.

On the basis of a periodic movement of machines and devices that are repeated in the time-constant intervals.
Examples of vibration from everyday life:
Frequency vibration is the reciprocal of the value of the period, and indicates the number of periods per second

f = 1/T [Hz]

The period of vibration the time it takes for one cycle

f = n/60

Turning speed also called angular frequency, the angle is described in a given time

ω = 2 π f

Vibration speed varies in each part of the cycle, but at any moment in time is:

V = dx/dt

Acceleration is also prom at all times, and its value is calculated as:

a = d2x/dt2

Vibrations in its simplest form can be seen as fluctuations or moving object that iterates over some equilibrium position.
Equilibrium position is the position in which the object remains outside the influence of the external force.
This type of vibration is called a ” full-body movement “which means that each part of the body moves along in the same direction, direction and time.
Vibraciono movements of the entire body can be fully described as a combination of individual movement through six different types. This is the translation in three perpendicular projection of x, y and z, and Rotate around the x, y, and z axes. Each complex movement can be represented as a combination of these six simple movements. On the basis of this we can say that the body has six degrees of freedom.

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