Eugenol i njegovi bioaktivni derivati
Objavio MilicaD12 12. februar 2025.
Seminarski radovi, Skripte, Zaštita životne sredine
Objavio Dragan Gataric 10. avgust 2014. Prijavi dokument
Global Warming
For the last 100 years the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased by about 25%. Carbon dioxide passes short wave Solar radiation, and long-wave radiation absorbed by the Earth, and because his presence in the low temperature layers of the atmosphere is higher than when it would not. This is called. "Greenhouse effect" – an expression not just quite happily selected as the glass in the garden, the air temperature increased primarily due to mechanical prevention zagrejanog air to leave the garden. OBSERVED increase in temperature on Earth over the past 100 years, from about 0.3 to 0.7 K, the row size is in accordance with the increase that the various calculations should be expected due to the aforementioned increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide. Described effect of carbon dioxide joins the recently more and the impact of some other gases (chlorofluorocarbons, or Freon, methane, nitrogen oxides and ozone in the troposphere), which are artificially emitted into the atmosphere. How will certainly take a lot more time while increasing content of carbon dioxide does not slow down, it is expected that over the next 50 or 100 years to reach a significant increase in mean temperatures on Earth, perhaps even for 3 to 4 degrees. At the same time, due to expansion of ocean water and melting ice, and there will be any faster to further increase global sea levels – perhaps a total of about 50 to 100 cm or more. By comparison, for the last 100 years, global sea level increased by about 10 to 15 cm. In addition, due to increased temperature, we should expect increased evaporation and increased rainfall. For now it is not clear whether, and how this will affect the schedule of rainfall, which can have serious consequences for agricultural production in some parts of the world. Global warming is the name of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere and oceans especially in the 20th century. The causes and consequences of the causes and ultimate consequences of global warming, there is no scientific consensus. Most common is the theory according to which the consequences of global warming carbon dioxide and methane produced from industrial plants in developed countries. According to this theory, increased concentration of these gases leads to the so-called greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Under pressure from the movement for environmental protection, many governments have accepted the theory, and signed the Kyoto Protocol, aimed at reducing emissions of these gases. [Edit] Opponents of global warming, opponents of global warming the other hand, recently reported in a number of scientists who challenge the theory global warming as a result of emissions of industrial plants and offering alternative explanations, whether in the form of changes in solar activity – what is used as evidence recently discovered climate change on Mars (melting polar ice caps) – either in the form of cyclic changes of cold and warm periods in Earth history , for which there is geological, paleontological and historical evidence. Citing similar changes on other planets as evidence against the theory of global warming has started a Russian astronomer Habibulo Abdusamatov. He has published papers in the National Geography "that the icy poles of Mars, which makes it hard carbon dioxide, reduce the previous three years. However, the increase in temperature on Mars seem consequence of large-scale sand storm that changed the flow and transparency of the atmosphere and the short-term phenomenon. Increase temperature to Neptune's moon Triton, which is also cited as evidence of the consequences of his ways, since direct sunlight falling on its southern hemisphere more than usual. The Jupiter is also observed phenomenon of increasing temperature, and appearance of new red spots in the top layer of its atmosphere, which may be the new focus of relatively small scale. The Pluto was observed rising temperatures, but on the basis of two observations in the interval of 14 years.
Objavio MilicaD12 12. februar 2025.
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