Najvažniji štetnici dekorativnih i cvjetajućih sobnih biljaka
Objavio samostalni-preduzetnik 22. januar 2025.
Naučni radovi, Skripte, Biologija, Jezici/Književnost
Objavio 19. april 2018. Prijavi dokument
Endem (Greek ἔνδημος = local) is the individual of a kind (or other taxon), which is limited to a part of the area in a historical, ecological, or physiological way. If we refer to the term opposite to the term endemism – cosmopolism, then, the former, the definition is much clearer and more concrete. Namely, the main and basic characteristic of endemism is the overlapping of the environment (space) of a taxonomic category with a geographically or centrifugally defined biotope (habitat), where, in a wider sense, endemics (endemic taxons) mean species that match their surface with size the continent, while a large number of authors, under the endemic, consider taxa that occupy the area most within the boundaries of a biocenotic province.
Objavio samostalni-preduzetnik 22. januar 2025.
Objavio samostalni-preduzetnik 22. januar 2025.
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